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3+ best digestive enzymes for SIBO management
11 June 2024
3+ Best Digestive Enzymes for SIBO Management: 2024 Guide

The best digestive enzymes for SIBO management are essential in supporting better gastrointestinal health. These enzymes alleviate symptoms associated with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), allowing for better nutrient absorption and digestion. Taken with a prescription, individuals suffering from SIBO symptoms can lessen discomforts like bloating, making it easier to manage daily activities and maintain a higher quality of life.

As an all-in-one SIBO supplement, Nudge SIBO Formulation improves gut health by targeting the leading root causes of SIBO. Our proprietary blend infuses the small intestine with motility-activated nutrients such as ginger root, artichoke stem extract, and lemon balm to promote the healthy movement of digested food within the gut. 

Based on our research in developing our supplements for SIBO, we've compiled this blog to guide you through the best digestive enzymes for SIBO management. We'll go through each key digestive enzyme and supplement choices available on the market. By the end, you can choose the best supplement based on your health and lifestyle needs. 

Let's get started!

What are Digestive Enzymes for SIBO Management?

Digestive enzymes for SIBO management are specialized enzymes that aid in the breakdown of food components such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which can be challenging for individuals with SIBO. These enzymes work to enhance the digestive process by supplementing the body's natural enzyme production, alleviating symptoms such as bloating, gas, and discomfort associated with SIBO.

Digestive Enzyme Insufficiency 

Insufficiency in digestive enzymes occurs when the body cannot produce sufficient digestive enzymes needed to break down food properly. This insufficiency can lead to various digestive issues such as bloating, gas, indigestion, abdominal discomfort, and nutrient malabsorption. 

Typically, digestive enzyme insufficiency comes about due to several factors, including:

causes of digestive enzymes
  • SIBO: A digestive disorder that disrupts the average balance of bacteria in the small intestine, leading to impaired digestion and absorption of nutrients. The overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine interferes with the production and activity of digestive enzymes, resulting in digestive enzyme insufficiency.
  • Certain Medical Conditions: Medical conditions like pancreatic disorders, pancreatitis, or pancreatic insufficiency can lead to deficiency in enzyme production. This results in inefficient digestion and absorption of nutrients from food, resulting in abdominal discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, and malnutrition.
  • Diets High in Processed Foods: Processed foods typically contain high levels of refined carbohydrates, sugars, and unhealthy fats. The body may struggle to produce enough digestive enzymes to efficiently break down these nutrient-poor foods, leading to incomplete digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Aging: Aging can affect the overall function of the digestive system, including changes in stomach acid production, gastrointestinal motility, and the structure and function of the pancreas. Such changes further impact the body's ability to produce and secrete digestive enzymes efficiently.

Insufficient production of enzymes in the body hinders its ability to absorb nutrients from food. This results in discomfort and potential nutritional deficiencies that could lead to more severe symptoms and illnesses if not appropriately addressed.

To mitigate the impact of insufficient enzyme production on nutrient absorption and overall health, taking proactive steps to support digestive function is essential. One such way is to take the best digestive enzymes for SIBO supplements.

Supplementing with digestive enzymes can help compensate for inadequate enzyme production in the body, facilitating the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food. Choose a high-quality enzyme supplement tailored to your specific digestive needs, such as those formulated for SIBO management.

Nudge Supplement: All-in-One SIBO Management Daily Dietary Supplement

Nudge SIBO Formulation stands out as one of the best digestive enzymes for SIBO. Its formulation combines the essential digestive types of enzymes taken from natural sources to improve gut motility and alleviate the gastrointestinal symptoms of SIBO. With its carefully balanced blend of plant-derived enzymes, individuals can regain control of their digestive health and improve their quality of life.

Nudge clinically-studied ingredients to manage SIBO symptoms include:

sibo formula ingredients
  • Ginger
  • Artichoke
  • Peppermint
  • Angelica Root
  • Caraway Fruit
  • Celandine
  • Licorice Root
  • Bitter Candytuft
  • Chamomile Flower
  • Lemon Balm
  • Mary's Thistle
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Each ingredient replenishes the body with essential vitamins such as B6, B12, K, and Magnesium, most commonly deficient in SIBO patients. Combining these ingredients with the best digestive enzymes for SIBO, individuals can regulate their digestive processes more effectively, reduce bloating, gas, and discomfort, and support overall gastrointestinal health.

4 Best Digestive Enzymes for SIBO Management

The best digestive enzymes for SIBO management contain a balanced combination of enzymes targeting various macronutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Enzyme blends formulated with higher activity levels and potency provide more effective relief for SIBO-related symptoms. Here are the 4 essential digestive enzymes to consider:

4 best digestive enzymes for sibo

1. Amylase - Digestive Enzymes that Breakdown Complex Carbohydrates

Amylase is one of the best digestive enzymes for SIBO that supports your body's natural ability to break down complex carbohydrates. Since SIBO impairs the digestion of carbohydrates due to bacterial overgrowth, supplements that contain amylase alleviate the discomforts such as bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. They even reduce the fermentation of undigested carbs, promoting better gastrointestinal health in individuals with SIBO.

SIBO Supplements that Contain Amylase

sibo supplement contains amylase

HoloZyme: Supports your body’s ability to fully digest meals, preventing gassy buildup. The supplement contains patented professional ingredients, including Activ-Blend Amylase, which aids in healthy carbohydrate breakdown. The supplement also contains essential vitamins and minerals that support energy production and immune system health, making it ideal for those with an active lifestyle. 

Case De Sante, FODMAP Digestive Enzymes: Contain a blend of a FODMAP digestive enzyme blend of amylase, lactase, glucoamylase, and cellulase that supports the body's needs to break down FODMAPs. This enables the digestive system to easily absorb nutrients into the small intestine. Taken regularly, as instructed, the supplements help prevent FODMAPs from being used as food by colon gas-producing bacteria, aiding in alleviating SIBO symptoms like bloating and gas buildup.      

Arthur Andrew Medical, FODMAP DPE: As spore-forming probiotics blend with digestive enzymes, these supplements assist the body in digesting highly fermentable foods. The recommended maintenance dose is 1 capsule before meals containing FODMAP-dense foods like garlic, onion, and apple. By limiting fermentation during digestion, Arthur Andrew Medical eases symptoms associated with SIBO, such as fatty stool and constipation. 

2. Lipase - Digestive Enzyme that Breaks Down Complex Fats

Lipase is a digestive enzyme naturally found in avocado, walnuts, and pine nuts. SIBO supplements that contain lipase benefit those with SIBO by aiding in the breakdown of natural dietary fats, which helps reduce bloating, diarrhea, and fatty stools. In facilitating efficient digestion of fats, these supplements also promote better nutrient absorption and good gastrointestinal health, making lipase one of the best digestive enzymes for SIBO. 

Let's take a look at a few top-rated SIBO supplements that contain lipase:

SIBO Supplements that Contain Lipase

sibo supplement contain lipase

MaryRuth's Lipase Protease Enzymes: A non-GMO and vegan-friendly supplement derived from pine that can be taken with or without food. MaryRuth's contains its own proprietary enzyme blend of lipase, amylase, and lactase to support healthy digestion of common dietary proponents. It also contains essential nutrients like Thiamine and vitamin B to promote energy creation and regulate fatigue, which is often associated with poor nutrient absorption. 

Thorne Advanced Digestive Enzymes: Contains essential dietary enzymes such as lipase, amylase, and protease that are essential for good digestion and absorption of nutrients. Thorne supplements also help regularize bowel movements and optimize the absorption of essential minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Those with food sensitivities benefit from Thorne supplements as they are good for the stomach. 

Houston Enzymes Zyme Prime: Blending together the best digestive enzymes for SIBO such as amylase, lactase, and lipase, Zyme Prime supports the digestion of complex carbs, starches, and proteins. The added dose of lactase in each capsule aids those with lactose intolerance to prevent occasional bloating and gas brought about by consuming starches in vegetables, dairy, grains, and beans. Notably, these supplements also aid in firming stool, preventing diarrhea.

3. Protease - Digestive Enzyme that Breaks Down Proteins

Protease is another of the best digestive enzymes for SIBO that aids the body's ability to break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids, which are essential for various bodily functions including muscle repair, immune support, and enzyme production. 

In the context of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), protease supplements can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea, as they help alleviate digestive discomfort associated with protein malabsorption. 

SIBO Supplements that Contain Protease

sibo supplement contain protease

Garden of Life, O-Zyme Ultra: Contains 21 vegetarian enzymes that aid the body in digesting proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in daily dietary foods. O-Zyme Ultra contains 140 mg of digestive enzymes like protease and lactase to further support digestive health, especially for those with specific nutritional needs such as lactose intolerance. 

Kirkman Labs, Enzyme Complete: Comprises a unique blend of 17 pure and plant-based enzymes that help digest food groups. Enzyme Complete includes a combination of protease, amylases, lipases, cellulases, and disaccharides that replace the food enzymes lost when cooking foods. These supplements also contain dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) enzymes, supporting the body's ability to degrade peptides made when exposed to casein and gluten. 

Dr. Mercola, Full Spectrum Enzymes: Uses a science-backed formula based on USDA data with a wide range of enzymes focused on helping those with SIBO digest various foods efficiently and smoothly. The Full Spectrum Enzymes includes a protease blend aimed at supporting the breakdown of proteins, which can be beneficial for individuals with SIBO who experience challenges with protein digestion. 

4. Lactase - Digestive Enzyme that Breaks Down Milk Sugars

As one of the best digestive enzymes, lactase promotes the breakdown of sugars found in milk and dairy products. Individuals with lactase deficiency or lactose intolerance may experience digestive discomfort after consuming dairy products due to a lack of lactase enzyme activity. Taking supplements with lactase enzymes aids in alleviating symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea by helping digest lactose. 

SIBO Supplements that Contain Lactase

sibo supplement contain lactase

Arthur Andrew Medical, FODMAP DPE: Contains a specialized blend of digestive enzymes and spore-forming probiotics to help the body digest highly fermentable foods. The FODMAP DPE Proprietary Enzyme Blend includes lactase, amylase, maltase, and others to supplement the body's dietary needs toward efficient digestion. Those looking for a dairy, gluten, and soy allergen-free SIBO supplement should consider Arthur Andrew Medical. 

Sports Research, Plant-Based Digestive Enzymes: Comprise Protein & Fat Digestive Blend and lactase to provide a well-rounded digestive support supplement for daily dietary needs. Its specially formulated 15-enzyme supplementation, including probiotics and ginger, also helps promote better nutrient absorption that aids in alleviating symptoms and supports a healthy daily gut balance of good bacteria.  

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Digestive Enzyme Supplements 

Choosing the best digestive enzyme supplements aids an individual's natural ability to efficiently digest nutrients in food. The right supplements enhance digestive functions, improve nutrient absorption, and promote good gastrointestinal health. Here are key factors to consider:

best digestive enzyme considerations

Dietary Habits

Each individual has their own dietary habits that determine the types and amounts of food they consume regularly. If you frequently consume dairy products, supplements that contain lactase enzymes aid in the digestion of lactose. Similarly, if your diet is rich in fiber from fruits and vegetables, look for a supplement with cellulase enzymes to break down plant fibers efficiently.

You may also consider any specific dietary restrictions or sensitivities you may have, such as gluten intolerance or allergies to certain ingredients. Choose the best digestive enzymes supplements free from any allergens or ingredients that may trigger adverse reactions.

Enzyme Blend

The enzyme blend is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing a digestive enzyme supplement for SIBO management. An effective enzyme blend contains a variety of enzymes that target different types of macronutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

Look for supplements that offer a comprehensive blend of enzymes to ensure that all diet components are adequately digested. Apart from the enzyme blend, consider the potency and activity levels of the enzymes. Higher potency enzymes are often more effective at breaking down food, providing better symptom relief, especially for individuals with SIBO.

Supplement Formulation

Supplement formulation is another essential consideration when choosing the best digestive enzymes for SIBO management. The formulation determines how effectively the enzymes are delivered to the digestive system and how well they withstand the stomach's acidic environment.

Look for supplements that are formulated to survive the acidic conditions of the stomach and reach the small intestine intact, where they can exert their effects. Enteric-coated capsules or tablets are designed to resist stomach acid and dissolve in the alkaline environment of the small intestine, ensuring optimal enzyme activity.

Additionally, consider the dosage form of the supplement and choose one that is convenient for you to take. Some people prefer capsules or tablets, while others may prefer chewable tablets or powders that can be mixed with food or beverages. 

Key Takeaway

The best digestive enzymes for SIBO alleviate uncomfortable symptoms through enzyme supplementation, aiding in the breakdown and absorption of essential nutrients. These enzymes target carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, helping to reduce bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, and other digestive issues associated with SIBO.

Combined with a low FODMAP diet, individuals experiencing SIBO symptoms can optimize their management approach by incorporating the best digestive enzymes for SIBO in their needs. This combination relieves symptoms by addressing the underlying bacterial overgrowth and insufficiency of digestive enzymes. 

Seeking an all-in-one SIBO supplement based on your lifestyle and health goals? Consider Nudge SIBO formulation, an effective solution to supporting digestive health and managing symptoms associated with SIBO. Our all-in-one supplement is carefully formulated, providing targeted support for optimal digestive function and overall well-being.