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7+ natural SIBO supplements for managing symptoms
11 June 2024
7+ Natural SIBO Supplements for Managing Symptoms

With so many synthetic components in our supplements these days, it’s a relief to know that there are natural supplements that help manage the often crippling symptoms of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIBO. Gas, cramps, and diarrhea are just some of the digestive problems that SIBO patients suffer, and the growing number of cases has spurred interest in finding the most effective natural SIBO supplements.

At Nudge, we help individuals manage their symptoms by combining multiple SIBO supplements into just one pill. Rather than taking separate supplements to relieve specific symptoms or for their specific merits, patients can get the relief they need from the 12 natural ingredients found in Nudge. Its unique formulation comes with a range of benefits that support healthier digestive function and reduce SIBO symptoms.

Based on our deep research into the most effective ways of managing SIBO, we’ve come up with the top 8 best natural SIBO supplements you can use. We’ll provide insights into what you need to consider before taking these supplements and identifying your SIBO symptoms. By the end, you’ll find out whether you have allergies or sensitivities to using them, enabling you to adjust the dosage as you keep tabs on your symptoms.

Let’s dive right in!

8 Best Overall SIBO Supplements to Treat Symptoms Naturally

Finding relief from small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is attainable with the right SIBO supplements. Natural supplements can help ease your symptoms, keep your gut healthy, and make you feel better. Here are eight of the best options derived from plants and other natural sources for treating your symptoms:  

1. Nudge - Best All-in-One SIBO Supplement

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Nudge stands out as the best overall natural SIBO supplement, combining probiotics, herbal antimicrobials, and digestive enzymes into one effective capsule. A single dose of Nudge addresses the three main causes of SIBO: gut motility issues, core nutrition, and stress. It contains 12 all-natural, medical-grade ingredients that relieve inflammation and bloating, control bacterial overgrowth, and support digestion and gut motility. 

These ingredients also have antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties, which help with the production of bile. All of Nudge’s ingredients are vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, and clinically tested. What makes Nudge unique is its availability without the need for a prescription. Users  who have taken it say they have experienced positive results in just two to four weeks.

2. Probiotics - Best for Gut Bacteria Health

Probiotic supplements contain helpful microorganisms that are effective in maintaining healthy levels of bacteria in the gut. This lets them neutralize the bacterial overgrowth caused by SIBO. As a result, this supplement facilitates better digestion, helps the small intestine absorb vital nutrients, and manages symptoms of SIBO effectively. 

Different strains of probiotics, such as spore-based probiotics, pass through the acidic environment of the stomach and into the gastrointestinal tract. Once there, the probiotics in these supplements help keep the gut healthy and keep SIBO from coming back. Studies show that some strains may worsen symptoms or lead to SIBO itself. Let’s find out about these. 

Different Probiotic Strains in Supplements

probiotic strains in supplements
  • Bifidobacterium: Relieves symptoms of SIBO and IBS, such as cramps and bloating.
  • Lactobacillus: Helps to manage diarrhea, one of the symptoms of SIBO.
  • Saccharomycesi boulardii: Keeps a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.

Herbal Antimicrobials in SIBO Supplements

SIBO supplements that contain herbal antimicrobials such as peppermint oil, guar gum, and oil of oregano keep bacterial overgrowth under control, maintaining a balanced state in the small intestine. This goes a long way towards alleviating abdominal pain and other SIBO symptoms.

More importantly, taking herbal antimicrobial supplements paves the way to an overall SIBO treatment plan, helping reduce harmful bacteria. Make sure you consult your healthcare provider before you start taking these or any other natural SIBO supplements.

3. Peppermint Oil - Best for Managing IBS Symptoms

Taken in capsule form, peppermint oil is used to manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which not only shares many symptoms with SIBO but may even have been caused by SIBO. It also addresses other SIBO symptoms, such as bloating and abdominal pain, by relaxing the muscles in the gut. Due to its antimicrobial properties, peppermint oil controls bacterial overgrowth.

It’s important to note, however, that while peppermint oil has been proven effective in managing SIBO symptoms, it may also make acid reflux worse for people who already suffer from it.

Best Natural SIBO Supplements to Treat Gastrointestinal Symptoms

best natural sibo supplements

Apart from gas, cramps, and diarrhea, other symptoms brought on by SIBO include bloating, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, and nutrient deficiencies caused by malabsorption. Consider these natural SIBO supplements to bring your gut back to a healthy, balanced state:

4. Guar Gum - Best for Sensitive Digestive Systems

Found in the seed of the guar plant, guar gum is a fiber that is used in many food products as a thickener. In a partially hydrolyzed form, it’s also used as a supplement to relieve SIBO symptoms and promote gut health. It works gently on the gastrointestinal tract, making it recommended for people who are more prone to developing digestive problems.

Guar gum also serves as a prebiotic that encourages good bacteria growth and gets rid of harmful bacteria. It also contributes to regular bowel movement, improves the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, and facilitates digestion.

5. Oil of Oregano - Best for Bacterial Overgrowth Control 

A popular supplement for managing SIBO symptoms, the oil of oregano is best known for its effectiveness as an antimicrobial and its contributions to a healthy digestive system. Research shows that the oil contains Carvacrol and Thymol, which destroy harmful bacteria in the small intestine by rupturing the cell membranes. 

These antimicrobial properties don’t affect good bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. The oil of oregano also contains antiviral and antifungal capabilities. However, be sure to ask your healthcare provider for the recommended dosage, as overuse may cause side effects such as vomiting, bloating, and diarrhea.

6. Iberogast - Best for Managing Side Effects

The absence of major side effects is the main reason for the popularity of Iberogast as one of the most effective SIBO supplements. Available without a prescription, this over-the-counter formulation also lessens gas, stomach acid, and inflammation.

Made from nine plant extracts, Iberogast relieves bloating, abdominal pain, and other symptoms of SIBO, and improves intestinal motility. Apart from its bitter candytuft ingredient which benefits the digestive tract muscles, the plants used in Iberogast act as antispasmodics which alleviate stomach cramps.

Best SIBO Supplements to Treat Nutritional Deficiencies

best sibo nutritional deficiencies

SIBO hinders the ability of the small intestine to absorb nutrients. As such, nutritional deficiencies are among the main SIBO symptoms. The following natural SIBO supplements promote better absorption, facilitate better digestion, and maintain a healthy digestive system. 

7. Berberine - Best for Nutrient Balance

Found in plants such as the Oregon grape, barberry, and goldenseal, berberine is effective in helping the gut to absorb nutrients when SIBO causes nutrient deficiency. This bitter, yellow substance helps to re-establish the balance of nutrients in the body as an antimicrobial that controls the overgrowth of bacteria.

Research shows that when combined with other herbs, berberine works just as well as antibiotics in the treatment of SIBO. Apart from relieving SIBO symptoms such as inflammation, berberine also promotes regular digestive functions. 

8. Digestive Enzymes - Best for Nutrient Absorption

Originating from plant, fungus, and animal sources, digestive enzymes help people suffering from SIBO to better absorb nutrients and break down protein, fats, and carbohydrates in the small intestine. These supplements assist in digestive functions and relieve bloating, abdominal pain, and other SIBO symptoms. 

Digestive enzymes should be taken before meals so that they can help to process incoming food. When treating SIBO, extra care is needed in choosing the right types of digestive enzymes to make sure they meet an individual’s needs.

Different Types of Digestive Enzymes

different types of digestive enzymes
  • Protease: Makes it easier to digest proteins and repel yeast, protozoa, and bacteria.
  • Lipase:  Processes fats and fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Amylase: Helps to break down carbohydrates and process sugars.

Overall, choosing the best supplement needs careful planning and research. Remember that SIBO shares symptoms with other gastrointestinal problems, so it’s best to work with your healthcare provider to make sure you match the right supplements with your symptoms. 

Key Considerations When Taking SIBO Supplements

key considerations when taking supplements

Before you start taking any of the SIBO supplements, it’s essential to identify your symptoms so that you choose the supplements that best meet your specific needs. Here, we’ve compiled key considerations to help you get the most out of your supplements for the best results. 

Identify Personal SIBO Symptoms

Make a list of your symptoms, such as bloating, abdominal pain, and a change in your bowel habits. List any trends or patterns, such as frequency and the time of day, along with the food you eat, that may trigger the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. This list can give you a better understanding of your reaction to certain food choices.

Monitoring your symptoms must also include factors such as weight changes and fatigue, as well as whether you might be suffering from nutrient deficiencies. Discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider to get an accurate assessment that will inform your treatment plan and guide your choice of the right supplements.

Research Evidence-Based Ingredients

Look for evidence that shows the ingredients of SIBO supplements, showcasing their efficacy in controlling bacterial overgrowth. When checking the label, look for the active ingredients and the dosage. Be sure that the seal for quality assurance from the US Pharmacopeia or NSF International has not been tampered with.

When doing research online, make sure to consult only licensed healthcare professionals. Look for references such as research studies and clinical trials. Government websites such as the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, NCCIH, and the US Food & Drug Administration are also credible sources. Make sure that the information is up to date or not older than three years. 

Check for Allergens and Sensitivities

While SIBO supplements are generally safe to use, a person may be sensitive or allergic to them. Ingredients such as herbs, gluten, or lactose may worsen SIBO symptoms or make the supplements less effective. Supplement labels may provide allergen content, but consulting your healthcare provider gives you more clarity on whether a supplement is a potential allergy trigger.

You may also ask your healthcare provider about elimination diets or sensitivity testing to help you identify foods that cause SIBO symptoms. 

Consider Lifestyle and Dietary Restrictions

additional considerations when taking SIBO supplements

SIBO supplements work best as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle that aims to manage SIBO symptoms. This allows your digestive system to function better and absorb nutrients more efficiently. But if you have other medical conditions alongside SIBO, think about whether your medication for those other conditions will have any effect on how well your SIBO supplements work. A registered dietitian can help you plan a diet that restricts high fiber and low FODMAP food that is fermented by bacteria in the small intestine. 

Other lifestyle factors that can help with SIBO symptoms and enhance the effectiveness of supplements include regular exercise and stress management. Stress lessens the production of stomach acid, bile, and enzymes, which leads to the development of SIBO. Exercise not only helps to manage stress but also contributes to a stronger digestive tract and healthier digestion.

Monitor Symptoms and Adjusting Dosages

SIBO symptoms tend to fluctuate, and keeping tabs on your symptoms allows you to adjust the dosage of your SIBO supplements as needed. These adjustments help ensure the effectiveness of the supplements and prevent or lessen side effects. 

Look for any changes in the frequency or intensity of the symptoms alongside other lifestyle factors that may affect them. Keeping an updated record of your symptoms also makes it easier to consult with your healthcare provider on adjusting the dosage or even changing your supplements or medication.

Key Takeaway

Natural SIBO supplements go a long way toward managing the pain, bloating, irregular bowel habits, and other symptoms that come with SIBO. Research shows how herbal antimicrobials, probiotics, and plant derivatives such as peppermint oil and oil of oregano are effective in controlling small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. 

Choosing the best supplement maintains a healthy gut environment, leading to better absorption of nutrients in the small intestine and a better quality of life. Nudge supplement offers essential benefits for individuals with SIBO, targeting the main causes of this condition to relieve symptoms and promote better digestive health. 

Need help on how to take these supplements as part of your healthy diet and lifestyle? Keep your bacterial overgrowth in check. Get in touch with us at to learn more how to be effective in your SIBO management regimen. At Nudge, we are dedicated to supporting your journey towards better health and well-being. Start your 15-day free trial today!